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Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Our treatments are carried out in contracted institutions that have health tourism authorisation certificate by the Ministry of Health.  

Get the curved and lifted buttocks you have always dreamed of at your fingertips! With the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure offered by MedNjoy Clinics, you can achieve the image of your dreams in buttock aesthetics.

How long does a BBL take?

During the procedure, the surgeon first performs liposuction to remove excess fat from donor areas such as the abdomen, flanks, or thighs. This fat is then processed and purified before being strategically injected into the buttocks to enhance volume and shape.The duration of a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure can vary depending on several factors, including the extent of liposuction performed to harvest fat for injection and the intricacy of the fat grafting process itself. On average, a BBL procedure typically takes between 2 to 4 hours to complete.

Can I get BBL if I’m skinny?

Whether a person is eligible for a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure primarily depends on the availability of donor fat for grafting and their overall health status rather than their body weight alone. While individuals with a higher percentage of body fat may have more donor fat available for the procedure, being skinny doesn't necessarily disqualify someone from undergoing a BBL.
However, it's important to note that having an adequate amount of donor fat is crucial for achieving satisfactory results with a BBL. If a person is very lean and lacks sufficient donor fat, they may not be suitable candidates for the procedure. In such cases, alternative options for buttock augmentation may be considered, such as buttock implants or fat transfer from other areas of the body.

Have to use own fat for a BBL ?

In the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure, the patient's own fat is typically used for buttock augmentation, but implants can also be used for augmentation. The procedure using the patient's own fat consists of two main steps.  
Liposuction: Excess fat is harvested from areas of the body that are considered unwanted or excess, such as the abdomen, flanks, thighs or back. The fat is removed using special liposuction techniques.
Fat Injection: The harvested fat is then processed and purified to separate healthy fat cells from other tissues and fluids. The purified fat is then strategically injected into specific areas of the buttocks to enhance volume, shape and contour. Using the patient's own fat for buttock augmentation offers several advantages, including natural-looking results and minimal risk of rejection or side effects. It also allows for simultaneous body contouring in areas where liposuction was performed to remove fat.

How long does BBL last?

The longevity of Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) results can vary from person to person and is influenced by factors such as individual body composition, lifestyle choices, and aging process. In general, the fat cells transferred during a BBL procedure can behave similarly to other fat cells in the body. This means that they can fluctuate in size with changes in weight and body composition. Therefore, maintaining a stable weight through a healthy diet and regular exercise can help preserve the results of a BBL for as long as possible.

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Will I lose my BBL if I work out?

After a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery, engaging in regular exercise is generally safe and can help maintain the results achieved through surgery. However, it's important to start with light exercises during the recovery period and avoid excessive pressure.


How much fat do you lose after BBL?

The amount of fat removed and the overall fat loss following a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure can vary widely depending on individual factors such as the patient's body composition, the areas targeted for liposuction, and the amount of fat available for transfer.




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Advice and answers from Mednjoy Clinics

Can I sit after Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery?

Sitting on the newly transplanted fat cells can reduce the blood flow to that area, causing some or all of the fat cells to die. For this reason, instead of sitting for the time recommended by our surgeon, you can take a side or abdominal position or use a special inflatable pillow to keep most of their weight in other parts of the body.

Can I have sex after the surgery?

Because fat transfer procedures require strict adherence to recovery guidelines in order for the procedure to be successful, sex must often be postponed for at least 10 days following surgery (depending on our surgeon's recommendations).

Does BBL smell?

During the recovery period after a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure, patients may experience some degree of odor due to factors such as wound healing, drainage from incision sites, or the use of compression garments. However, this odor is typically temporary and should improve as the body heals.

Will squats ruin my BBL?

One common BBL FAQ that patients have is that, will squatting ruin their BBL. The main point to keep in mind is that squatting is a strenuous exercise.
But you have to wait a good amount of time after the BBL to start with any kind of strenuous exercise. Once your recovery period is over, you can do weight training as well as cardio. In fact, glute workouts like squats. Working out at the right time will enhance the appearance of your BBL. It also give you that desired perky buttocks that you want.

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